Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Robert Pattinson: Twilight star admits he looks similar to a transvestite in evil spirit role

815AM GMT twenty-two March 2010

Previous of Images Next Blooming intrigue Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart in Blooming intrigue Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart in "Twilight New Moon". Robert Pattinson Twilight star admits he The star certified he found celebrity tough to cope with. Robert Pattinson Twilight star admits he Pattinson and Stewart in "Twilight New Moon". The span are dating.

The twenty-three year-old, who plays Edward Cullen in the Hollywood blockbusters - formed on hugely renouned the Stephenie Meyer novels - pronounced he had his eyebrows plucked and had complicated make-up for the role.

"You get to the point where you think, "OK, I see similar to a transvestite now"," he said.

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In an interview, he certified that he didnt assimilate since so most teenage girls found him attractive.

The actor, creatively from Barnes, southwest London, pronounced he found being pleasing "quite hard", notwithstanding insisting that half of people didn"t get his sex appeal.

"Theyre like, whats that all about," he told The Times.

Asked if he found courtesy irritating, he replied "I theory the piece of your reality".

He certified it was a "little bit harder to understanding with" and that he gets "stressed out most quicker".

Millions of people have watched the initial trailer for The Twilight Saga Eclipse movie, that has been leaked to YouTube.

In the film, due to be expelled in the summer it divulgence the quandary the brave woman Bella Swan, played by his co-star co-star Kristen Stwart, will face with Edward.

Last week he was greeted by hordes of screaming fans as he launched his new film, Remember Me, in London"s Leicester Square.

In a prior speak he claimed he did not cruise himself sexy.

"I don"t feel that I"m voluptuous at all. I don"t feel continuous to that kind of talk. People contend it but I"ve never thought similar to that," he said.

"It"s droll since even the girls that think similar to that, if you speak to one of them for five mins the apparition is gone. But people still hold on to that illusion."

Pattison, who last month eventually reliable he was dating his Stewart, has formerly been greatly sly about his in isolation life.

He done the admission that the span were an object at a cooking hold after the Baftas.

The span had arrived alone and didn"t lay together during the rite at the Royal Opera House, even though Miss Stewart, 19, won the Orange Rising Star award.


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