Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rafael Benitez not rebuilt to risk Fernando Torres in Europa League Liverpool

Ben Smith & , : {}

Rafael Benitez, the Liverpool manager, will conflict the enticement to pour out Fernando Torres behind in to the starting choice opposite Unirea Urziceni tomorrow.

The Spain general played the last fifteen mins of Liverpool"s 0-0 pull with Manchester City on Sunday after five weeks out following a knee operation. However, with Torres key to Liverpool"s hopes of subordinate for the Champions League around the Premier League, Benitez is some-more expected to ease his striker behind in movement from the dais in the Europa League tomorrow.

"We knew we could make use of him opposite City. The thought was for 15-20 mins but still he is not ready," Benitez said. "He needs compare fitness and has to fool around and train, and we will see after on how he is entrance along.

"He was you do unequivocally well with the physios and fitness coach. He is unequivocally happy. We motionless to put him in the patrol [against City] given he was precision well last Friday. Now he can lift on and progress. He will be ready soon. We have to be clever given it has been a prolonged time. Now it is a subject of one step at a time.

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"You cannot pull him as well tough given you could lose the player and it is not necessary. We will see how he progresses and we will confirm each day. He could underline opposite Unirea. We have to see him precision and thereafter see how he is feeling and afterwards we will confirm - but he will not start."

David Ngog has additionally recovered from an ankle damage that kept him out of Sunday"s draw, withdrawal Glen Johnson as Liverpool"s usually damage worry. However, the England right behind could proceed full precision by the finish of this week carrying been out with a knee complaint given the feat over Aston Villa at the finish of December.

"Johnson is unequivocally close. I think subsequent week he will be precision with the team, or may be at the finish of the week, but it will be the same incident we have with Torres," Benitez added. "He will need time and we will deliver him small by little."


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