Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ask Rick: secure banking, request editing, sketch lines, low-pitched notation, finish user permit agreements

By Rick Maybury 900AM GMT twenty March 2010

Comments 4 |

You can furnish this low-pitched note by dire Alt + thirteen

Library files I have make make make use of of of of the computer in my living room to do a little online banking. I regularly have certain Im utilizing a secure website, but checking for the clinch symbol, but I assimilate that notwithstanding this, a little of my cue and login report competence be defended on the computer, that could concede the security of my accounts. What do you advise? Brian Fenerty, by email

The clinch pitch merely indicates that interpretation flitting in and out of the Personal Computer is encrypted when travelling opposite the internet; it has zero to do with the reserve and security of the tangible computer. The most appropriate recommendation I can give is not to have make make make use of of of of open computers for online promissory note since in the finish you cant strengthen your interpretation if the Personal Computer is being monitored or has been peaked with spyware or a key logger program. You are patently gentle utilizing computers so since not get one of your own to have make make make use of of of of at home and discharge this sort of risk? If there is positively no pick to utilizing a open computer there are a series of stairs you can take to assistance strengthen your privacy. Do not parasite any boxes that suggest to save logon information; have make make make use of of of of the In Privacy underline of Internet Explorer 8 to stop report from being saved (Click Safety on the Toolbar); beware of any one seeking over your shoulder; do not leave the Personal Computer left alone whilst logged in to a session; and whatever browser you are using, transparent the cache mental recall when you have accomplished your online session.

Ask Rick spam filters, computer security, filming film, anticipating answers, and email signatures Ask Rick technical queries solved Ask Rick the digital alloy Ask Rick Facebook, video files, nap mode and iTunes Ask Rick broadband speeds, spellcheck and Java Rick Maybury on Word settings and Firefox problems

Unlocking the poser When I open a request in Microsoft Office 2007, I cannot sort on the page a summary flashes on the bottom taskbar that says "This alteration is not authorised since the preference is locked". What does this mean? Christine Loran, by email

I can think of 3 possibilities the initial is that you are utilizing a hearing version of Office, and it has expired; the second is that the request is protected, in that box name the Review add-on afterwards Restrict Formatting and Editing and click Stop Protection (if it was set utilizing a password, you will need to come in it when asked); lastly, the request might be noted as Final. Click the Office symbol afterwards go to the Prepare sub-menu and click the Mark as Finalised symbol to switch it off.

Drawing a line Some time ago you showed a approach of inserting plane lines opposite the page in Word, that I found intensely useful. Initially this worked fine, and afterwards it stopped. I design that Ive finished something but dont know what. Can you help? Bill Alden, by email

As is mostly the box with Word the switch for this accessible underline is well dark and misleadingly declared so youll be doubtful to event on it find it by accident. To spin it behind on go to Insert > Autotext > Autoformat as you sort and underneath Apply as you sort name Borders. For the record, five dashes and Return produces a singular thin line, five equals signs (=) and Return produces a stand in line, five underscores creates a thick line, five tildes (~) creates a crooked line, five asterisks gets you a dotted line and for a three times line daub in five hashes (#) followed by Return.

Musical footnote As a part of of an organization where initial names are the norm, there are a series of Martins. To assistance discuss it us detached in papers and emails I attach my name with the nearest impression I can find for a low-pitched symbol, namely the Hash or Sharp pointer (#). Are there any alternative low-pitched black available, but carrying to bucket a music-writing module or font? Martin Sharp, by email

Installing a specialised rise or module probably wouldnt do you most great unless they were additionally on the recipients Personal Computer but there are a integrate of low-pitched black buried in the customary Windows impression set. To insert one in a request or and email all you have to do is on all sides the cursor where you wish it to appear, press the Numlock key afterwards hold down the Alt key and daub in a two-digit formula on the Numeric keypad. For a singular note or cower press Alt + thirteen (♪), and for what I right away know is technically referred to as a beamed note press Alt + fourteen (♫).

License to kill I not long ago upgraded to an Acer laptop with Windows 7. Its poetic and I am really gratified with it but after installing my duplicate of Microsoft Office 2003 the Licence Agreement shade appears each time I open a document. I regularly accept, but it usually comes up again. Carol Tuckwell, by email

This is due to a teenager Registry glitch and the routinely sincerely easy to put right. You contingency be logged on to the Personal Computer as the Administrator (if you are the usually user log in as normal) afterwards open Word, determine to the End User Licence Agreement (EULA) and close Word. Heres the fix; repeat the procession for each alternative Office focus you have commissioned (Excel, PowerPoint etc). If that doesnt work, and you dont mind poking around the Registry, theres a pretty candid procession summarized in Microsoft Knowledgebase Article 884202.


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