Monday, July 26, 2010

Murder exploration launched after Yorkshire post bureau owners found passed UK headlines

Diane Garbutt

Diane Garbutt, who was found passed after an armed spoliation at her emporium in Yorkshire. Photograph: North Yorkshire police/PA

The owners of a farming post bureau has been found passed with serious head injuries after an armed spoliation at her shop, military pronounced today.

Shortly prior to the physique of Diane Garbutt was detected in the the upper story prosaic of the post bureau and encampment store in Melsonby, circuitously Richmond, Yorkshire, a pirate had confronted her husband, Robin, and told him: "We"ve got your wife". He demanded cash.

North Yorkshire military pronounced 40-year-old Garbutt died from serious head injuries. The force, that has launched a attempted murder investigation, pronounced she had not been shot.

Detective Superintendent Lewis Raw told reporters it was probable that the situation was continuous to an additional armed spoliation at the same post bureau roughly only a year ago.

Garbutt"s father non-stop the emporium piece of the commercial operation at around 4.30am yesterday as usual, withdrawal her upstairs, Raw said.

When he non-stop the post bureau conflicting at 8.30am, a man wearing a black facade over his face and carrying a gun came in to the emporium from the the upper story prosaic and confronted him.

"The man in jeopardy Mr Garbutt, saying: "We"ve got your wife,"" Raw said. He combined that the pirate had transient with "a poignant volume of money" in a black holdall.

Police are delectable for any one who was in Melsonby in between 4am and 9am yesterday to get in hold if they saw anything suspicious.

"This is a intolerable crime, that has left Mr Garbutt up in arms and the residents of Melsonby really repelled and saddened," Raw said.

People vital and operative around the post bureau pronounced they did not notice anything surprising until an ambulance, followed by armed military officers, arrived.

The store is at the heart of the small village, a integrate of miles north of Richmond.

Last March, dual men, one armed with what appeared to be a handgun, in jeopardy staff and transient with stamps and a large volume of cash.

People in the encampment pronounced the Garbutts deliberate withdrawal the encampment after the raid and had put the commercial operation up for sale prior to not long ago determining to stay.

A circuitously resident, who did not wish to be named, pronounced he thought the integrate changed to the encampment from the York area around 7 years ago.

Linda Ling, who functions part-time in the emporium and lives in a circuitously lodge said: "A poetic couple, only really devoted, that"s all I can say. I feel really contemptible for Robin, I don"t know how he"ll go on but her."

She additionally pronounced she had not seen or listened anything to vigilance a disturbance, adding: "I non-stop my fate around 8.15am and saw the kids watchful for the bus, went to have my bed and afterwards saw the ambulance."

Bill Nixon, who owns Nixon"s Garage, conflicting the post office, said: "I had a executive entrance to see me. I told him to play ground his outpost opposite the road.

"Then I had an additional customer, and inside of a integrate of mins I listened the ambulance come. I thought: "That"s strange." Then all ruin pennyless loose."

Flowers were left outward the stone-built post office, that was cordoned off with military tape.


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